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I created Aw Shucks! because I needed to take myself more seriously, but I didn't want to sacrifice my final say.

So many successful indie authors publish with no publishing house, which works great for them. But for me? Creating this publishing house was a necessary step in taking myself at least somewhat seriously.

As I started to build out my mission—ensuring the House aligned with my goals, morals, and aspirations—I realized I wanted to share this with other authors. I brought in my dream team and got to work. End result: Aw Shucks! Publishing LLC.

We want to work with authors with awesome stories, ensuring they reap the royalties they deserve while providing the same support and guidance any other traditional publisher would lend. This means we're incredibly limited in how many pieces we publish, but honestly, I can't imagine doing this any other way.

Our mission is to create a publishing house that gives the author creative control on their story, so they can honestly say they're happy with what ends up on the shelves.

We're helping someone with a book right now, but we're always looking for our next story.

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Because my original comfort zone is self-publishing, I also help those who want to self-publish. If you want complete creative control, 100% of your royalties, and 100% ownership, I can help you meet your goals. While these books would not be published under our House, this work will help to support the House's mission.

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